Day 307: Earth: Red Pill – Heaven: Blue Pill

What do you do when you get emotional, experience conflict, get frustrated, get depressed, get stressed? Irritated? When the world gets you down? When you're bored?Do you access an experience? What is the name of the experience?Love?Light?Silence?Oneness?God?Angels?Masters?Ascension?Peace?Take a moment to look at the experience you use. Are there pictures / visuals associated with the experience? … Continue reading Day 307: Earth: Red Pill – Heaven: Blue Pill

Day 306: Do you have an inferiority complex?

Do you experience inferiority around people who are of a 'higher status' of education, income level, profession?Do you feel a lack of confidence, nervousness, anxiety when speaking and interacting with people that are of a 'higher status' than you?Do you notice that the people who you feel most confident and comfortable around, are actually people … Continue reading Day 306: Do you have an inferiority complex?