Economic Social Justice

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that Social Justice would imply that no Human Being in Society is allowed to exist in a circumstance in which their basic needs for a dignified existence and decent quality of life is denied or not guaranteed

Self Forgiveness: Judging Gross Things

Earlier in life I used to have far more of an aversion toward 'gross things', but I've noticed that this aversion experience still comes up in moments, especially in relation to areas of my environment where I am the primary inhabitant, and wherein I have a high degree of control over my environment - as … Continue reading Self Forgiveness: Judging Gross Things

The ‘Now-Ledge’ of Knowledge

Carrying around Knowledge as a self definition is like hanging onto a ledge -- this ledge is who I am! I must hang onto this ledge because this ledge makes me who I am! This ledge gives me value, importance, purpose! With this ledge in my grasp, I feel that I am pulling myself up … Continue reading The ‘Now-Ledge’ of Knowledge

Sadhguru | Humanity vs. Morality

"Why is it… our education systems, our social mechanisms, we are not doing enough to stir up humanity in a human being, we are trying to fix it with morality and it's never worked. All we will do is divide people into different kinds of moral sects and they will always fight" -Sadhguru

Investigating Words: “Preconceived Opinion”

I was looking at some words this morning, starting with the word Bias, and this is the dictionary definition: Bias: "a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group, compared with another" And within this the word Prejudice: "a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience" When I … Continue reading Investigating Words: “Preconceived Opinion”

Does having preconceptions make you Racist?

I agree that people who are in fact consciously Racist - need to be made uncomfortable and challenged on their ideology. But we need to be careful not to group everyone into the ‘Racist ideology’ category when they may just be dealing with subconscious or unconscious conditioning based on their upbringing and environment. 

Critical Life Theory

The theory that we on this Planet, are all Equal and One as “Beings of Life” in different forms; Humans, plants, animals, rocks, bugs -- where, all “Beings-in-form” are of the same Equal and One Source and therefore all Beings in Existence are in Essence - Part of Our Own Self. And therefore our differences … Continue reading Critical Life Theory

The Key to End Racism To me, as long as we have a society that is based on the idea that 'we don't know where we come from', and that things like your name and ethnicity and country are 'where you come from' and 'make you who you are as a person', then we will have division, competition, judgment … Continue reading The Key to End Racism

I Identify as Life

The fundamental characteristic which determines our being here at all, and which exists in Each One Equally = is Life. How can we have a world of Acceptance and Inclusion, when we do not Accept and Include Life as All as One as Equal in and as Ourselves as the foundation of how we consider, create, express, and identify as an individual?

Resolving Anger through Resolving Fear: Practical Example

In this post we're looking at understanding the pattern of how a reaction to certain events in a moment can quickly escalate and accelerate into Anger and Rage.