Economic Social Justice

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that Social Justice would imply that no Human Being in Society is allowed to exist in a circumstance in which their basic needs for a dignified existence and decent quality of life is denied or not guaranteed

Critical Life Theory

The theory that we on this Planet, are all Equal and One as “Beings of Life” in different forms; Humans, plants, animals, rocks, bugs -- where, all “Beings-in-form” are of the same Equal and One Source and therefore all Beings in Existence are in Essence - Part of Our Own Self. And therefore our differences … Continue reading Critical Life Theory

The Key to End Racism To me, as long as we have a society that is based on the idea that 'we don't know where we come from', and that things like your name and ethnicity and country are 'where you come from' and 'make you who you are as a person', then we will have division, competition, judgment … Continue reading The Key to End Racism

I Identify as Life

The fundamental characteristic which determines our being here at all, and which exists in Each One Equally = is Life. How can we have a world of Acceptance and Inclusion, when we do not Accept and Include Life as All as One as Equal in and as Ourselves as the foundation of how we consider, create, express, and identify as an individual?

Standing in the Life of Another

When emotions are running high, and there is a lot of back and forth debate, and triggering, and reacting, and vitriol, and defensiveness, and arguing, and snide comments, and spite and judgment disguised as righteousness or intellectual superiority -- what is being missed? What are we failing to do? When we're reacting to a discussion … Continue reading Standing in the Life of Another