Critical Life Theory

The theory that we on this Planet, are all Equal and One as “Beings of Life” in different forms; Humans, plants, animals, rocks, bugs — where, all “Beings-in-form” are of the same Equal and One Source and therefore all Beings in Existence are in Essence – Part of Our Own Self. And therefore our differences in race / physical body / nationality / culture / name don’t ultimately define us as the Being that we Are — because if I swapped bodies with you I would still be the same “Being of Life” – but expressing and experiencing myself within a different instrument, voice, appearance, location point – as a different “Person” or form. 

In Accepting and Recognizing ourselves in our Essence to be Equally a Part of Life as any other in this world – a Being of Life – we then must Accept and Recognize the diversity of different ethnicities, cultures, appearances etc, as being merely different instruments or vehicles for the expression of ourselves as Beings of Life within a “Life-time” on Earth Equal and One with each other as Beings of Life – yet different in expression or appearance, as ‘people’.

Racial hatred and discrimination are thus revealed to be stemming from a lack of Acceptance and Recognition of the Individual’s own Existence as Equally coming from Life as All Others Come from Life, wherein self is caught up in the illusion that “I am a White being”, or “I am a Black being”, or “I am an Asian being”, or “I am French being”, or “I am an American being”  — where our differences in appearance, behavior, mannerisms, education, technology, culture, history, expressions, economic development — all Drive the idea that we are “more-than” or “less than” one another as Races / Ethnicities / Nationalities. 

In fact, there are no White Beings or Black Beings. There are only Life Beings in white bodies and black bodies, brown bodies, yellow bodies, red bodies, etc — all under the illusion that the behavior and historic ‘positioning’ and relationship of our races on this planet indicates that we are ‘More than’, or ‘less than’ each other. I believe the way to ‘correct’ our relationship with each other as difference races, starts with forgiving ourselves for our own Racial illusion, and to recognize and Accept our Equality and Oneness as Beings of Life — even if another fellow being of life is yet under the illusion of themselves as ‘more than’, or ‘less than’. Forgiving Self creates the space within Self to consider and come to understand another’s illusion without Judgment, and therefore be able to Forgive Others for their illusions, and more effectively assess where they are at in their process as an individual or group, in being able to recognize themselves as Life. To be better able to Lead and Show and Express by Example – what it is to be and recognize Life. This Starting Point gives us the ability to pursue social change, political change, educational change, economic change, from a place of Equality, of Brotherhood, of understanding, of Inclusion, of compassion — without the dynamic of victimization, judgment, and blame, which only feeds our division through the idea that we are ‘black and white beings’ who must assert our blackness, or whiteness. I believe that by standing within the recognition that we are Equals, not enemies, and wielding the Common Sense Assertion of our Equality as Life, we can become much more effective at deconstructing and preventing the definitions, fears, opinions, ideas, and beliefs that fuel Racism and Ethnic Discrimination.

In the next post I will walk through examples of Self Forgiveness statements in relation to Ethnic / Racial self definition.

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