Day 184: Misophonia: Self Forgiveness on Anger toward Eating Sounds

Image Source: of: Day 183: Misophonia: Why do Eating Sounds make me Angry?Another fascinating dimension of the whole 'irritated by the sound of people eating' point, also known as 'Misophonia' - an actual official 'disorder', is the point of how - when we're alone, by ourselves, eating --- we don't get irritated at the sound of … Continue reading Day 184: Misophonia: Self Forgiveness on Anger toward Eating Sounds

Day 183: Misophonia: Why do Eating Sounds make me Angry?

'I can't be around that person because they chew their food loudly and it makes me angry and irritated! Why can't they just chew their food quietly?!?'lol.Did you know this is actually classified as a disorder called 'Misophonia'?"We've all dealt with that one classmate or co-worker that would eat his/her food obnoxiously loud, chomp away, … Continue reading Day 183: Misophonia: Why do Eating Sounds make me Angry?