Day 300: What’s your Purpose in This Life?

Purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.As a Destonian I've decided my Purpose in life, my Reason for being in this world, in this life, is to stop myself existing within and as any thought, behavior, starting point that cannot stand as Life as all as one … Continue reading Day 300: What’s your Purpose in This Life?

Day 270: How I’ve changed since I redefined the word Daring

In this post I'm sharing what I've experienced and how I've changed since I redefined the word 'Daring' for myself. For context, read the following blogs:Day 252: Living Words: Daring 253: How I Realized I am not Limited to What I Prefer Doing 254: Letting go of Past Failures and Daring to Live 255: Dealing … Continue reading Day 270: How I’ve changed since I redefined the word Daring