Day 324: What does Donald Trump Represent to You?

This is a blog in response to the recent placement of statues of Donald Trump in US cities.What is ridicule?Wouldn't you say ridicule is a form of manipulation / bulling, where the starting point is that of trying to making another feel inferior and invalidated?Everyone loves to ridicule politicians - I mean it's so easy … Continue reading Day 324: What does Donald Trump Represent to You?

Day 128: What We’ve Failed to Consider about Policy and Voting

What we've failed to consider about policy and voting.Here are some of the Policies that we collectively Vote into Being every day through our Acceptance:The Policy that says it's okay to Profit off the basic needs of other beingsThe Policy that says it's okay to waste resources producing low quality goodsThe Policy that says it's … Continue reading Day 128: What We’ve Failed to Consider about Policy and Voting