Day 298: How can we be Free when we have so many automatic Physical Behaviors?

Why is the human face one of the most sensitive and illustrative places for the Quantum Physical to be seen?How can you read your face to see the Quantum Physical?How is the Quantum Physical connected to the face of your physical body for it to come through and be seen so specifically?How will this series … Continue reading Day 298: How can we be Free when we have so many automatic Physical Behaviors?

Day 291: The Origin of Anger in My Life Part 2: Do you struggle with Rage?

Where does explosive rage come from? How is rage created?Why does the extent and severity of the reaction of explosive rage seem so disproportionate to the event that triggers it?How can you go from feeling relatively stable in one moment, to a total emotional possession in the next moment, where you feel like you are … Continue reading Day 291: The Origin of Anger in My Life Part 2: Do you struggle with Rage?

Day 266: Am I Funding Suppression or Funding Change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse entertainment as a way to, in a moment suppress an experience of resistanceI forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in and fuel the system of stimulation within myself, as a way to suppress what I'm experiencing, to, in … Continue reading Day 266: Am I Funding Suppression or Funding Change

Day 144: Can the Mind of a Consumer Ever be Free? Self Forgiveness Statements

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that my definition of cars / clothing / houses was taught to me by the consumer system I was born into and that I've always only ever considered cars / clothing / houses within the context of a car / clothing item … Continue reading Day 144: Can the Mind of a Consumer Ever be Free? Self Forgiveness Statements

2012 – Free yourself from the Matrix with Writing

One of the primary tools I've used in changing myself is writing. When I started applying the Desteni message, which is that of breathing, self honesty, writing, self forgiveness, what discovered I can actually, in fact understand how my mind works, where my thoughts are coming from, how I am creating my feelings and emotions. … Continue reading 2012 – Free yourself from the Matrix with Writing